Monday, February 25, 2008

Park Photo

Baker Samuel. 25 months old.
Photo taken at Maple Park today, Feb. 25.
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Friday, February 22, 2008

Friday in Tulsa

After what has been a very long week, at last, it's Friday. And with any luck, Kevin will be able to fly home today -- despite a ridiculous snow storm that hit NY. Kevin said his 'goodbyes' at the office this morning then walked back to the apartment (in 5" of snow) to catch the car taking him to the airport. Our stint in NY is officially over. We know it's time but I think we're both a little sad.
As for life on Norfolk Ave...
Baker and I went to a play group today. Met a few moms and kids. One kid tackled Baker 6+ times and bit another girl. I'm sure Baker was wondering why we bothered leaving the house (and his TRAINS!) this morning. Not sure I can blame him...
I forgot to mention -- and I must be off my game, because this would typically get a major spread on the blog -- Baker had a haircut yesterday. Technically, it was a trim, but whatever. My goal: get rid of the mullet without giving him the Suri Cruise haircut. See for yourself.

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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Percentiles etc.

Big day today. We went to the library for story time. We followed that up with a trip to the pediatrician for Baker's "2 y.o. well baby" visit. Confirming what we already suspected, Baker is large and in charge. He's 75%ile for height and 85%ile for weight. I swear it is the hummus...
Feeling very ambitious, and determined to take advantage of 60 degree weather, we walked to the park this afternoon. It took us about 30 minutes to walk/meander the three blocks to the park and about 35 minutes to walk/meander/kick rocks, etc. on the way back home.

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Friday, February 15, 2008

Friday in NY

We ended our time in NY by having dinner at the first place we had lunch in the city (in 2006 when Baker was 6 mo. old.). It's our favorite pizza place on Carmine (also where we celebrated Baker's bday). To the right of Kevin, you can see the waiter in the window making a face. I'm not sure why I'm standing like a crazy person but there you have it...very likely our last family photo in NY...for a while at least.
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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wednesday in NY

For those that are curious, this is a pic of our apartment in New York. The apartment is MODEST but the location more than makes up for the lack of charm. Having been inside all day I've begun daydreaming about our real house...the one with the things that I am missing terribly: good sheets, coffee bean grinder, washer/dryer... The house is a work in progress -- that is, until Nate Berkus reads my blog and decides that he has to do an episode of "Knock, Knock it's Nate" on Norfolk Ave. Fingers crossed.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Tuesday in NY

Baker and I braved the weather and went to Toys-R-Us at Times Square today. The store is pretty impressive - a perfect place to go when it 17 degrees outside. Baker and I rode the ferris wheel (sitting in a miniature school bus) and he was pretty impressed with the gigantic Jurrasic Park dinosaur. We spent most of our time in the Hot Wheels department and the Thomas the Train play area. Two hours later, I decided that I needed to have one last look at Sarah Jessica Parker's clothing line so we walked 10 blocks to Steve and Barry's. Baker slept the whole way...and then some. After finding a very cute coat (thank you SJP) I stumbled onto a subway stop and took the train back to our neighborhood. I'm really getting the hang of things...just in time to go back to Tulsa on Friday.

When we left the subway we were greeted with SNOW! Very pretty.

There are the weirdest flyers hanging all over the city for roomates, yoga classes, palm readings, etc. I had no idea that juggling was so mainstream? And competitive? Another month in the city and I would probably look for a class for toddlers...surely this is a sign that it is time to go.

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Monday, February 11, 2008

Slide Show

Weekend Recap - Monday in NY

Eleven degrees in NY. Miserable. Luckily the Litte Einsteins are working their magic and keeping Baker occupied.

Kevin and I had a date night this weekend. We had the best time, although I still have blisters on my feet because I wore cute shoes and as usual, we walked a lot. We started at Peasant. I love this place - they don't have a sign and they are located in a cellar. (A NY version of Hugo's...what's not to love...) We stopped at Public next. Great bar area - good people watching. It looked like a popular place to be so of course, we loved that. Then we worked our way home stopping by Raul's and finally, Camaje. Raul's is cute and local. Not sure I would go back, but I'm glad we went. We sat next to two gorgeous sisters who were in town for fashion week. They loved my wedding ring (thank you Becca.) By the time we got to Camaje my feet were dying and it had started to rain. Thankfully, the place is right around the corner from our apartment.

We took Baker to the American Museum of Natural History on Saturday. As you might have guessed, he LOVED the dinosaurs. I'll post photos later today - I've tried but I can't get the slide show to work. I'm going to move on before I stomp on my computer.

It think my angst is contagious. Now Baker is getting restless... I need to stop blogging and read "Thomas" before my two year old starts acting like a two year old.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Pizza Box

Under any other circumstance, a collection of hodge podge condiments/spices like this would freak me out. In some weird way, they add to the charm of The Pizza Box located directly across the street from our apartment.
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Thursday, February 7, 2008

Cute Coffee Shop in Soho

It's official! I miss our dogs terribly.
If you can see the window signage, you'll notice that the coffee shop is named, "Olive's".
If you have a direct line to St. Valentine, please tell him that I really want a new digital camera. If not this holiday, then Mother's Day will suffice. Or Halloween. Or Christmas.
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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Union Square

Baker and I took the subway to Union Square today. It's only the second time we've taken the train by ourselves. We definitely like it better when daddy is there to help navigate the stroller/stairs/etc. But it's good to know we can manage...

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Work Ethic

While dressed in his jammies ready for bed...
Baker: "Bye Daddy."
Daddy: "Bye Baker. Where are you going?"
Baker: "My office."

Monday, February 4, 2008

We're Back in NYC - GO GIANTS!

We're back in New York for a couple of weeks. We flew in Sunday and enjoyed a beautiful sunny day. After lunch we took Baker to Washington Square Park.
Highlight of the day -- watching the Giants win the Super Bowl!

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