Wednesday, January 30, 2008

School is Now in Session

School day! OK...several people have asked (thank you for reading the blog)'s the deal...Baker goes to school two days a week Wed/Thurs at First United Methodist Church on Boulder (downtown Tulsa). Our commute is about five minutes. The school is very nice - cute murals everywhere, lots of play spaces, toys, climbing equipment, etc. There is even a crossing guard - which really made an impression on Baker. I picked him up early because my parents are in town and he was not ready to leave. Certainly a good sign... I had to send a lunch which was totally earthy and weird. I hope the other kids don't tease him for eating a pita sandwich... I'll probably breakdown and send Little Debbies in a week or two. Until then, hummus for everyone!
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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

New School

This is certainly 'blog worthy' news: Baker starts his new school (a.k.a. Mother's Day Out) tomorrow. He goes Wed/Thurs from 9:30-2:30 and he is very excited about using his new nap mat ("nat mat").

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Monday, January 28, 2008

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Daddy's Shirt

Photos taken Jan. 2008 and Jan. 2007
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Fire Dept. Museum in Soho

Photos taken at the Firefighters Museum in Soho.
We saw a fire truck while walking to the museum. Baker was holding his toy firetruck and making a fuss out of seeing the firetruck up close. One of the firemen hopped out of the truck and gave Baker a coloring book. So nice. One more reason I love New York.

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Happy Birthday Baker!

Baker had a wonderful birthday! We took him to the Children's Museum of Manhattan where he had a ball running around and checking out the slides, forts, cars, firetrucks and play areas. He loved being around other kids his age. We stopped for pizza on our way back to the apartment. The waitress fell in love with Baker and entertained him the entire time we were there...if it wasn't already our favorite pizza place, it is now. He opened his presents before bed and insisted on sleeping with his new school bus and airplane. Baker was still holding the bus when he woke up this morning -- the first time he has slept through the night since we got here. Sleepy birthday boy...

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Birthday Videos

Baker received a special video message from friends Rayner and Henley! He's watched the video 20+ times so far... It's a big hit with the birthday boy!

He also LOVED a birthday message from Sarah and Chris...they left for Jamaica today. Lucky dogs. Safe travels...we'll talk soon...

Birthday Boy - take one

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

23 months, 30 days

This is what you look like when you wake up from a very long nap - the day before you turn two years old.
This is what a happy boy looks like when he is chewing on Blanket, his most loved possession. Blanket got a bath today which was not well received...until he was dry and back in the apartment (and back in Baker's mouth.)

Did I mention that Baker refused to wear pants to bed today? I like this photo because you can see his chubby, yummy legs.

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Baker loves Play-Doh! Mostly we make snakes and balls...but we're working on expanding our sculpting abilities.
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We had brunch on Sunday with friends David, Odine, Max ( 7 y.o.) and Charlotte (5 mo.). They have a beautiful flat in Tribeca. We left early and grabbed a coffee before walking to their place. (Not sure how many blocks?) We passed the most beautiful fire station (below) en route. After lunch we took Baker and Max to a nearby park. Max is pictured below, in the tree. Baker like Maxed and loved playing with his trains and toys.

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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Saturday in New York

We have had the most perfect day today. We kicked things off with coffee and breakfast at Grey Dog Coffee Company - a great local place on Carmine St. Kevin stops there everything morning for coffee and now I know why. It is quaint and cozy and just right. The first two photos were take outside the shop. We found a new playground on our way back to the apartment. Baker played outside and had fun watching a little boy fly his remote control dragonfly. The photo of Kevin was taken there. I had a photo of Baker but I had issues with loading it on the blog?! Anyway...the final photos were taken on Bleecker on our way back to our apartment. You can smell the Porto Rico coffee shop before you reach the door. It is situated next door to a funeral home. You've got to love NY... They have black Range Rovers that drive you to funerals. We spent the rest of the day napping and walking around SOHO. I'm going back to the Lucky store to buy Baker a new T-shirt. I can't resist. It's an early birthday present and it's on sale. I'm also in love with a pair of shoes we found for Baker (but didn't buy!) at the Camper store. We're now back at the apartment eating cheese, crackers and apples...I wasn't kidding about having the perfect day...

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Friday, January 11, 2008

Bubble Boy

This is how you stroll your baby in the rain in New York City.
I think that Baker looks like the "bubble boy" beneath the plastic rain guard. If you look closely you can see a taxi Hot Wheels in Baker's hand. This taxi has gone everywhere with us the past two days. And that's saying something...

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Park and Apt.

Photos of Baker taken at Washington Square Park.
The park received a fresh load of sand on Monday and Baker was very excited to dig and dig and dig. The weather this week has been nothing short of perfect -- highs in the 50's. We've gone to the park every day and gone on long walks exploring our neighborhood and beyond. Now when I pull the stroller out of the closet, Baker yells, "PARK! PARK!" Loosely translated this means, "Mommy, I would love to go the park and slide and swing and play nicely with other children." Or something like that... The two photos are the bottom of the entry were taken yesterday (Wed.) It was an awful day and by 6:30 last night we were absolutely sick of each other. Quick recap: Baker kicked a kid at the playground and made him cry. Which led to the nannies at the park giving us dirty looks until we left... He hit, kicked and threw things the rest of the day. He refused to take a nap.
The highlight of the day was finding Magnolia Bakery - however the stress of the day caused me to eat two cupcakes which I really never do. They were delicious. And yes, I gave Baker a few bites. (Of the first one...)

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Date Night

Photos taken before our date night... We had dinner at a local restaurant, Jean Claude's -- enjoyed the best food ever. We also went to the Thom Bar at 60 Thompson. It was gorgeous, sexy and very New York. Great people watching... I wish we could have date nights more often. Note to self: find a SITTER in New York!

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