Friday, September 14, 2007

Wednesday Woes

I tried to take a cute picture of Baker wearing his cool new T-shirt. Anita gave it to him and we LOVE it.
He was in a good mood but just not interested in a photo session.
The weather has been so beautiful the past few days. Baker and I met Kamron and Henley for a walk. Henley entertained Baker (as well as Kamron and me) during our walk. After playing in the driveway for a while, (i.e. riding cars, throwing rocks, etc.) Baker and I came in to get ready for bed. Without going into detail -- I'll just say that Baker was suddenly sick. Several hours later (and several loads of laundry later) Baker was finally asleep for the night - or so we thought... He had a restless night. That was 48 hours ago...and as of today, Baker still has a slight fever but he is on the mend and asking for "milk" and "juice."
Nonnie was here last night and today (Friday.) Baker loves his "Nonnie." She is a good audience and give him lots of love and attention. We picked out a new airplane at Toys-R-Us and Baker is very happy with it. It makes lots of noises and spins around. I'm sure it will be featured in a blog photo soon.
Good night from Settlement Lane...

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