Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Happy Boy!

Baker is happiest when he is playing outside. Lucky for us, today was beautiful! We had an impromptu play date in the driveway with neighborhood friends then daddy came home and the fun continued. I'm so happy that I can stay home with Baker. He's learning so much! It's fun to be here to celebrate his many milestones. A few of my favorite new developments include hearing Baker say, cat ("cack"), "amen" and "love oou." He also loves talking on the phone (this includes lots of heavy breathing) and finding an opportunity to call attention to his skinned knee (which has completely healed.)

Such a serious expression! B must be thinking about his knee "injury" in this photo...

Kevin One and Kevin Two

Baker loves riding in his wagon. (Thank you Nonnie and Peas!)

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1 comment:

GranolaGirl said...

I love the picture of Baker and his daddy... so cute. Did he really get to go to the MOMA? How cool!