Monday, June 30, 2008

Play Date

We met Rayner, Henley, Ellie and Georgianna for lunch and a play date on Friday. Baker got to ride home with E and G. He was very excited (nevermind his expression below). I didn't get a pic of Rayner and Henley. We're going to see them in Tulsa this weekend so I'll make up for that.
I'm not sure if I'll ever stop missing our friends in Fayetteville...

Truth in Advertising

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Fun in Fayetteville

We went to Fayetteville last week for a golf tournament and silent auction. It was so fun to see lots of old friends from Saatchi. Following are a couple of photos from the night.

I always think that Amy should be a model for Crest Whitestrips. Just look at her perfect teeth!! (I'm sure she'd give the credit to our favorite dentist.)

Everyone always thinks Kevin and Charlie look like brothers. What do you think?? (P.S. This is an opportunity to leave a comment instead of looking at the blog and not telling me!!) :-)

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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Fun on the Farm

We went to Paris this weekend to see my family. Baker had so much fun riding in the 'gator' and swinging on his new tire swing! For those that don't know what a gator is click here.
Photo of the gorgeous tree where the tire swing resides.

Baker was fearless on his new swing. I told Kevin to stop pushing him so high and reminded him that Baker is still little. Baker heard me and protested, "I am a big boy!! Faster Daddy!"

View of the farm - looking toward the pond/lake.

Another view of the pond/lake. The little pump house has sunflowers growing beside it.

Cody and Emily - the happy parents-to-be. I really hope the baby has hair just like Emily.

This is a photo of Shona driving her new Mustang convertible holding her dog, Indy Bell. You can't really tell but Indy is wearing a very fancy leopard print dog dress.
This is a photo of Shona's back yard. It looks like a park. Very big (hard to tell in this pic) and beautifully landscaped. She's tearing out her koi pond and making a fountain that leads to the pond...very impressive.

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Waltz on the Wild Side

Fundraiser at the Tulsa Zoo. The suggested attire for the party: sarari chic or latin inspired. I think Kristen and I nailed it. She thought she looked like Mrs. Roper. Whatever...

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Friday, June 20, 2008

Olive McLendon Shelhamer

Baker is happy to have Olive home! Our little senior citizen (she'll be 9 in Sept.) went to the vet this morning to have a tooth extracted. They ended up pulling a total of FOUR teeth. Needless to say, Olive is getting lots of TLC from Baker and me. And lots of soft food for a while...
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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day (take one) Happy Father's Day (take two)


Kylee took this beautiful photo of King.
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Saturday, June 14, 2008

50 Cent Friday

From left to right: Kristen, James Henry, Annabel, Baker, (me) Kylee, and Kebra.
After arriving at the George's house, we walked a few blocks, plowed through a few yards, made a couple of 'U' turns, but we had finally arrived at the bus stop. We soon discovered that it was fifty cent Friday. The first bus driver was a "joy" to be around, but we finally made it to our destination.

We came to the conclusion that we would stop by the snow cone trailer off of the corner of
41st and Peoria. After reading through the list of the 50 complex flavors we decided on bubblegum and cherry.

Baker waiting impatiently for his Chips Ahoy cookies.
Guess who ate the blue snow cone?

We became friends with a man who was apparently an athlete wrestler person at OSU about 40-45 years ago... wow did he have a lot to say. I now feel like I've known him his whole life and could write a book on it. Other then that he was a nice person, and our day was AH-MAZING!

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Wild Wednesday

"Shaving cream art" at the George's.
Baker didn't want to get his hands messy. Annabel loved it. James Henry was looking for an excuse to run off.

Proof positive: Annabel had so much fun with the shaving cream. She made gloves and boots.

(NOTE: I wish I could take credit for the cute 'art' idea but it was all Kristen.)

James Henry and Annabel after swimming...JH and Baker both had on floaty suits in the pool today. (Thank you Sam's Club and the George family...) They looked like little Weeble Wobbles.

Booty (bootie?) One and Bootie Two. The floaty suit definitely adds a little volume to the backside.

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Fun at Home

Baker had fun "hiding" in the laundry basket* this morning. *One of the few things that Kevin brought into the marriage. I only mention that because I would never buy a hunter green laundry basket...

Baby Lukas

We got an exciting phone call this morning! Emily and Cody Lukas (my nephew and his wife) are expecting a baby! Baby Lukas is due Jan. 12. We are so excited for them! I told Baker that he was going to have a new cousin to play with and he immediately said, "I go play date." So far so good with sharing the limelight. I'm taking recommendations for a 'grandma' name for my sister... How weird is that?! She's over the moon...completely in love already.
We're sending our love and best wishes to the new mommy and daddy!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Friday, June 6, 2008

He's Back!

I think the new antibiotics are working! Baker has eaten better, slept better and felt better than he has in nine days. He even went to gymnastics ("nastics") this morning. This is what a happy boy looks like. And this is a very happy mommy blogging...

This is what a really happy boy looks like.

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Thursday, June 5, 2008

Safety First

Baker wore Kevin's bike helmet around the house then decided it was "Daddy's turn." Too bad I didn't get a picture of Kevin taking out the trash wearing the helmet.
Baker has been battling an ear infection and a very nasty virus the past nine days. We're on our third course of antibiotics...and hoping to tackle the infection once and for all.
More posts when life is back to normal on Norfolk Ave...
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