Saturday, June 14, 2008

50 Cent Friday

From left to right: Kristen, James Henry, Annabel, Baker, (me) Kylee, and Kebra.
After arriving at the George's house, we walked a few blocks, plowed through a few yards, made a couple of 'U' turns, but we had finally arrived at the bus stop. We soon discovered that it was fifty cent Friday. The first bus driver was a "joy" to be around, but we finally made it to our destination.

We came to the conclusion that we would stop by the snow cone trailer off of the corner of
41st and Peoria. After reading through the list of the 50 complex flavors we decided on bubblegum and cherry.

Baker waiting impatiently for his Chips Ahoy cookies.
Guess who ate the blue snow cone?

We became friends with a man who was apparently an athlete wrestler person at OSU about 40-45 years ago... wow did he have a lot to say. I now feel like I've known him his whole life and could write a book on it. Other then that he was a nice person, and our day was AH-MAZING!

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