Baker received an Iron Man helmet and miscellaneous weaponry from Tim and Kate (early Christmas exchange). Everyone loved trying on the helmet. Kylee looks a little like an ant, don't you think?
Baker is making a list of all of the things he is thankful for (in his own words). And the list keeps growing. (The random things are my favorite: Markers. Pumpkins.)
I painted a chalkboard in our kitchen -- which scratched a home improvement itch that has been nagging me for about a week. This was an easy update to a slightly boring space... See what you think! (Notice Olive posing in the last photo. Such a ham.)
Earlier this week Kylee tore her ACL and MCL playing volleyball. She is being very brave and has a great attitude about everything...including her brace. She emailed me this pic from the doctor's office. (I like her pink socks!)
With my online shopping well underway and gifts beginning to arrive via UPS and USPS, it's beginning to feel a little like Christmas around here. Or pre-Christmas, anyway. And this just might be the best part for me...PLANNING. Dreaming. List-making.
I am promising myself NOT to buy ornaments or decorations this year. I am making do with what we have and vowing not to buy MORE STUFF to fill the basement.
(Top photo) This is a Martha tree. I like it but I think the tubs of gifts are the best part. I'm thinking galvanized tubs would be cute... I'm also thinking our tree might be nice in the living room instead of the foyer this year. (Look at me -- thinking outside of the box!!)
(Bottom photo) We're going to be in Chicago for about a week in December. Dec. 16 - 22 to be exact. We'll need a little Christmas cheer in the cute is the minimalist tree?!
Baker cannot wait for the Elf on the Shelf to make an appearance. We're hoping "Coffee" is up to his old tricks again this year. And we hope he has warm boots and a plane ticket to join us in Chicago. Time will tell...
Guess who picked out this year's Halloween costume?? I knew it would happen (eventually) and apparently this was the year.
In the past I enjoyed dressing Baker (in chronological order) as a frog, Elmo, a bat and a shark -- but this year it was all him. Per his request, we searched high and low for a skeleton costume. (We returned a skeleton costume that was obscenely tight and ill fitting...included below for your enjoyment.) He LOVES his spooky costume, especially the mask. And I loved that he loved it.
We trick-or-treated with a big group of kids this year. For the third year in a row Kristen hosted an absolutely adorable Halloween party.
Here's to all things spooky, creepy and crawly... And here's to opinionated five-year-old boys. Happy Halloween!!!
Baker and I enjoyed a beautiful afternoon in Woodward Park. He fed the turtles, threw acorns and collected leaves. I love this park and I cherish days like this with my sweet, beautiful boy.