Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lake Michigan - Photos Galore

More Fun at Lake Michigan

I took K and B to the lake today. Kylee wanted to work on her tan (even after I delivered what I believe to be a compelling argument for wearing sunscreen) and Baker loves to play in the sand and the water. Due to recent heavy rains and flooding area beaches have been closed for 48 hours or so -- including our go-to spot, Oak Street Beach. Oak Street was closed again today so I researched our options and found several good beaches that were open. I landed on North Avenue Beach -- a new place to play, a big adventure and only a bus ride away.

Or so we thought...

A 30 minute bus ride led to a short stroll...an inquiry with a very friendly mom who politely explained (with an enchanting Irish accent) that we were a LONG way away from where we needed to be...several phone calls to Kevin...Iphone mapping...and a 10 minute cab ride later...we arrived at North Ave.

We stayed all afternoon and played and ate lunch and had a really great time. And Kylee has the PINK shoulders to prove it.

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Friday, July 23, 2010

Baker Bakes

We made a chocolate chip bundt cake in honor of Kylee's arrival in Chicago later today.

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

On the Way Home From the Park...

Kevin left for the airport at 4 a.m. today. I'm alone in Chicago with Baker for the next three days. My strategy: KEEP B BUSY. So I gave myself a big pep talk this morning (I can do this...I can do this...) and packed a lunch and mapped a route to a neat park I heard about -- Adams Playground, located in Lincoln Park. The park has a great sand area, swings, climbing equipment and a fun water structure. Below is a picture of the water area (nevermind my finger in the upper left corner). Baker is standing under the waterfall on the left. We had fun...but that's not the point of this post. We usually have fun. And I usually take pics to remember it or prove it - depending on the day... On our way back to catch the train Baker kept stopping and saying, "Take my picture here. And here." "And one more over here." "Are you sending this to Daddy? How about Noah?" So I followed his art direction and took photos and humored him and had a great time following his lead. Our journey home follows...

Below: Baker liked this beautiful brownstone so he climbed the steps and almost rang the doorbell. The owner was arriving home as we were leaving and she stopped to let B pet her cute standard poodles. Baker misses our dogs terribly. He likes to say that the dogs are going to "go crazy" when we get back to Tulsa.

Below: Baker LOVED a pair of crazy chairs outside an antique store called, Billionare Castoffs. As he took a seat I asked him who he thought would use a chair like this. His answer: "God."

Below: Also at the same store -- spray painted tree stumps. I sort of love these...

Below: B on the steps of the Argo tea company.

Below: One last stop before the train station. I love the look of this weathered door.

Below: At the train station.

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Location:Lincoln Park

Monday, July 19, 2010

Lego Store Spectacular

Granny left today... Baker loved getting to spend time with her. They had pillow fights and played cars. Basically Baker bossed her around for three days straight. And she loved every minute!

For an outing this afternoon I took B to the Lego store on Michigan Ave. What a great store!! He was darting around like a wild man...he found the store manager and asked about a zillion questions including, "Did you go to Lego school?". If I wasn't married to Kevin, this guy would be on a short list of potentials. Not because he was especially cute, but he was so nice and so patient. And Baker loved him.

Below: Baker posing with the Transformer Lego sculpture.

Nevermind that Baker matched this Lego sculpture perfectly...

Who wouldn't want to dig in these bins??

Oh, again B matches the sculpture! Note that he's holding Buzz, a recent gift from Nonnie and P.

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Friday, July 16, 2010

Field Museum

When leaving the Field Museum today Baker ran toward a fantastic elephant sculpture made entirely out of recycled tires. Linda/Granny and I were grabbing our cameras, ready to take a cute photo, when we heard him yell, "Hey look! He has a penis!!!"

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Keeping Baker Busy

We've been too busy to blog! There are so many fun things to do in Chicago. This week we have gone to the beach, the park, the Target play tent at Millennium Park and the Chicago Children's Museum. And it's only WEDNESDAY.


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