Monday, April 28, 2008

Home and Park Pics

This is a photo of the flowers on my front porch. I did the "arranging/potting" myself and I am completely happy with how it turned out. So there. Good for me. No shortage of self esteem today!

Baker and I played at the neighborhood park today. The last photo demonstrates exactly how much fun we were having before he fell and scraped both knees. Sometimes it's hard to be two...

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Blog Blather

I had five minutes this morning and went to a blog to entertain myself. Since I know you probably won't take the time to check out the blog, and since I don't want my "readers" under the age of 17 to read some of the adult language found in the blog, I'm not going to include a link. If you're curious just email me and I'll share the info. I've inluded a few highlights from post: It Takes a Village: Questions for Other Parents. Enjoy...and if you don't then we probably shouldn't be friends anymore.
How many times can a grown man watch "The Sound of Music" with his daughter before he completely loses his sanity?

What are the future ramifications if a young girl watches "The Sound of Music" 43,287 times between the ages of two and four? Will she want to move to Austria? Pursue a career in child services?
Abandon a career in the nunnery?

If you are otherwise happy with your nanny, should it matter that her cellphone's ringtone is Def Leppard's "Pour Some Sugar On Me?"

If a little girl in the playground keeps pushing your adorable daughter to the ground, is it acceptable to give her an eating disorder? Or should I just confuse her by threatening to kick her in the nuts?

Am I the only one who listens patiently to other people's boring parenting stories, waiting until they're done so I can tell my own boring parenting stories?

What lasts longer? That fresh new baby smell or that fresh new car smell? I'm just wondering because my car still smells pretty good but my daughter's feet smell like vinegar.

Sometimes I think it really does take a village.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Baker made a new friend on Wednesday. Will came over to play when we hosted Happy Hour at our house on Wednesday. (His parents and little brother came did other friends and kids.)

The George's came to HH too. This is a picture of James, James Henry (precious baby!) and Baker. Not sure why big sister Annabel was not in the photo. Baker is crazy about her. That goes for me too...

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Monday, April 21, 2008


Kevin had a mini "mancation" this weekend. He played golf Saturday morning then went rock climbing and camping Saturday afternoon and night. This is a photo of him at Horseshoe Canyon in Jasper. I think the harness does wonders for his butt.
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Sunday, April 20, 2008


We went to Paris and Fayetteville over the weekend. I forgot my camera which left me feeling naked the entire time. pics from the farm on Thursday, but Juliette just emailed me photos from Stacy's 40th bday party on Friday. Stacy isn't in the pic of the "Poker Girls"?! I don't feel too badly because she gets to go to Europe for two weeks to celebrate her bday with her mom and sisters... Sam threw her a gorgeous happy to have been able to go. I miss my Fayetteville friends.

Most of the poker girls...

Mr. and Mrs. Shelhamer. Not sure what I'm doing with my arm but I LOVE my shirt so who cares.

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Pictures of the week.

Olive gets (i.e. tolerates) lots of love and attention from from Baker.

Baker and I went to the zoo with some friends today. I was too busy chasing him and dolling out snacks to take lots of photos. Following is a pic from the playground. Highlight of the trip: after Baker and Anabel yelled "wakeup polar bear" about 20 times, indeed the bear did wakeup and proceeded to take a big poop right in front of us. Baker talked about it all the way home and then some.

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Monday, April 14, 2008


Baker takes gymnastics on Monday's. He runs, jumps and stands on his head for 60 minutes. We followed that up this afternoon with a two hour playdate at the park. We're looking forward to an early bedtime on Norfolk Ave. tonight.
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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Woodward Park

Spring in Tulsa.
I'm thinking about buying one of these for our backyard. I'm sure the neighbors would love it.

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Art Day Friday

Baker LOVES to paint. He painted this masterpiece on Friday.

This is his brooding artist face.

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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Theme Day #3

"Mismatch sock and shoe day" as represented by Kylee Ann, girl genius.
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Dough Boy

Granny is here! Only a grandmother would a.) Make homemade bread and b.) Make a miniature dough boy with the help of a miniature dough boy.

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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Monday, April 7, 2008

No Girls Allowed

Boys Club: Daddy, Baker and Keen (formerly known as King).

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Jumping B

A miracle on Norfolk Avenue! I just discovered that my camera records "movies" with SOUND. I just rocked my world.

Little Miss Mismatch

Kylee sent us this photo before school today. It was "mismatch" day. I think she nailed it!
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Sunday, April 6, 2008

Zoo and Worms

Kevin and Baker went to the zoo on Saturday. They went with our friend, Ralph, who was scouting for a photo shoot. Even though the trip was short which meant that Baker didn't get to ride the T-R-A-I-N, he made the most of it. He had a great time and he's been talking about the animals for two days straight. He's got a lot to say these days.

Baker at home on Norfolk Ave. He found an earthworm while helping daddy in the garden. Poor worm...

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Friday, April 4, 2008

Crafty Friday

It's Friday. It's cold outside. It's a good day for an art project. This is a picture of Baker with his "multimedia collage." If you're wondering about his neck, he liked putting stickers there.

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