Thursday, September 27, 2007

Drive-thru Safari

Nonnie and Peas took Baker to the drive-thru
in Gentry on Wednesday. (I got to go too.) We had so much fun watching Baker point and laugh at the animals. He would say, "DUCK!" everytime one of the emus pecked on the glass of the car. Baker loved feeding the goats. He tried to feed a chicken but didn't appreciate the chicken's aggressive approach to eating. He stuck to feeding the goats after that.
This is one of the few photos that has B's face in it...he was too interested in the animals to pose for a picture.
Nonnie and Baker talking to the pigs...
Baker was a little hesitant to feed them.
Baker walking around with Nonnie and Peas.
I like photos like this because you can see how little Baker is. I bet he will be as tall as my dad (Peas) one day...all too soon.

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