Thursday, May 5, 2011


The thought of Baker and JH living in different cities is almost too much to bear...
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Making a Splash

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Six More Days of School

With six days to go, school (technically "preschool") is winding down quickly which means that I'm snapping pictures like crazy in an attempt to memorize as much as I can about the year and the life of my favorite 5 year old boy.

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Picnic at the Park

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Baker and Max go to the Zoo!

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Easter Tradition

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A Boy and His Dogs

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Easter Morning

Baker, our notoriously picker eater, wasn't sure about his first Peep.

As it turns out, he really liked the Peeps - dipped in chocolate, of course.

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Ski Trip 2011

After a rough first day on the slopes, Baker mastered his anxiety (with the help of a GREAT instructor) and took off on day two. He rode the chair lift and skied greens the rest of the trip. Baker was so proud of himself. Kevin was thrilled. I was relieved we didn't make a trip to the ER. Success!!!

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