Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fun with Glitter

Today when I dropped Baker at school he told me he wanted to spend more time with me.

Ask and you shall the form of a craft project extravaganza!

Glue, glitter and seasonal inspiration...I hope my vacuum can survive this one.

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Sunday, September 26, 2010

I Heart Him

Baker looks part four year old boy and part 17 year old fraternity pledge.

Bike Riding - Round One

So Kevin had to repair/patch Baker's bike tire this weekend and he thought, "What are we waiting for? Let's see if he's ready to ride without training wheels." I made sure that B was wearing pants (envisioning the worst) and Kevin and B gave it a good college try.

Then put they training wheels back on... Try and try again...

Someone Has a Driver's Permit!

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Beautiful Boy

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Personal Best

Baker is running once a week with a group of kids in a track club. This isn't a great picture but he's running with his coach and you can see that he is grinning ear to ear. Run Baker run...

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Cutest. Boys. Ever.

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Noah Goes to School

Baker's school celebrated grandparent's day on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Since we don't have grandparents in town, Noah filled in and attended as a "special friend". Baker was very excited and proud (never mind his expression below). Noah was so generous to make time to have lunch with Baker and a bunch of rambunctious 4 year olds.

Here's to special friends...xoxoxox

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H is for Homework

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Run Baker Run

Baker ran track with Personal Best Athletics (it's as if I named the organization myself!) for the first time tonight. He ran 1200 meters total. He got to wear a stopwatch which was a HUGE hit. I think we may join the club so he can run every week. I'm feeling like we may be on to something...

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Location:S Owasso Ave E,Tulsa,United States

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Muffin Melts

I found a recipe for Make-Ahead Muffin Melts on The Pioneer Woman blog. (Admitting that I like a blog with the name "pioneer" in it makes me very proud of myself.) Basically this is job security in the form of breakfast. Kevin ate 4 1/2 muffin melts...go me!

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