Thursday, November 29, 2007


We met Georgianna, Ellie and Juliette for dinner tonight. As we were about to leave Georgianna said, "Baker, I'm going to miss you." It was completely spontaneous and precious. (And heartbreaking.) And if that wasn't enough she went on to say, "Baker, thank you for sharing dinner with us tonight." Clearly, Juliette needs to write a parenting book about manners for children.

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007


This photo deserves it's own entry. Kamron found the shirt at Monday's Child and told me something along the lines of, "Kevin's son has to wear this."
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Pony Ride

Although you can't tell by this expression, Baker was thrilled to ride the ponies on the square tonight. I can't believe that I didn't coordinate a better cowboy inspired getup for the experience -- proof positive that the "move" is taking a toll...

I should mention that Baker's horse was named, Buttons. Note the weird santa that is braided into his tail?! When we walked up the horse Baker pointed and said, "Ho Ho!"

We ran into the Farnet's on our way to find Santa Claus. Their girls are absolutely precious!
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Monday, November 19, 2007


For the two people that actually read our blog, I would just like to apologize NOW for the upcoming LACK of entries. We are preparing to pack up our house and move to Tulsa - we've got to be out by our closing; Dec. 14. Lots to do... The exciting news is that Kevin will be working in New York for a few months so Baker and I will be making extended trips to the city in January and February. It will be cold but completely worth it. We have secured an apartment on Bleecker St. -- it is a fabulous location in Greenwich. Can't wait to check it out.

On an entirely different note, the following is a photo of a turkey that Baker made at school. Hooray for hokey art projects! Baker loves his school but I'm not sure if he is excelling during craft time. I think he'd rather have a shoving match with his friend Kaleb. We've had issues. And we're now reading "Hands are Not for Hitting" -- I'm waiting patiently for results. “Hands are not for hitting. Hands are for saying hello. . .” And apparently for making weird turkey crafts.

God Bless...

Every night when we say our prayers Baker always 'blesses' Kylee first - sometimes before we even begin the prayer. We sit down to rock and Baker says "Kylee" and I know he's ready to say prayers and go to sleep. It's very sweet. Tonight, after he kicked things off with "Kylee" he added "mommy and daddy" then he threw in "coffee" for good measure. God bless coffee. I couldn't agree more. Amen.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Botanical Gardens

Following are photos taken on our trip to the Botanical Gardens this weekend (Sunday, Nov. 4, 2007). Specifically, the majority of the pics were taken in the children's garden. (Sarah Farnet told me about the kid's garden and we finally made time to check it out...) The garden has a big "eagle's nest" that Baker loved. He ran up and down the ramp over and over. He bloodied his lip at some point but we're not sure when exactly.

I love the light in these photos. Makes me want a new camera...

I crawled through this tunnel to show Baker how to do it. He caught on very quickly - thank goodness.

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Grover and Elmo

Elmo and Grover trick or treating on Settlement Lane.
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