Thursday, August 30, 2007

Go Hogs - part 2

Following are a few pictures of Baker and Georgianna taken after school today.
Miss G was the cutest cheerleader!! I have no idea why Baker refused to smile or laugh.
His new word of the day is "Cupcake!" (He brought one home in his tailgating treat bag.)
If today is any indication, Baker will be an expert "tailgater!"

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Wooooo Pig Sooooie!

Let's Call Those HOGS!! Baker's school celebrated Razorback Day today. He wore his Darren McFadden jersey (and new Converse sneakers.) (I mention the jersey like I know what I am talking about...I had a brief education about players, jerseys, etc. earlier this week when I forked over too much $ for a 3T jersery...but that is another story...)
Baker looked adorable all decked out -- and so grown up! For the first time, it didn't make me sad that Baker looked like a big boy. All the kids looked adorable - and rumor has it that some "special visitors" are stopping by the school today to call the Hogs with everyone. I hope Baker does his "thing." It's adorable listening to his version of the cheer -- and even cuter hearing him say, "Wooo Pig Pooey!"

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Friday, August 24, 2007

Just Because

Baker looked so cute in his new shirt today; I had to document the moment. He's very familiar with the digital camera and loves to preview his photos after I take them. What a little ham. Did I mention that he looks exactly like Kevin lately?

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Happy Birthday Emily!

Baker and I had a good day today. He loves playing chase and gets really excited I surprise/scare him when we rounds the corner coming from the kitchen. We're helping Emily celebrate her birthday by making a yummy dinner for her tonight. Baker surprised me earlier today by saying, "Happy Birthday!" Naturally, he refused to tell Emily. He did, however, talk to Nonnie on the phone tonight and had lots to say. He said, "hi Non" and "hi Peas." He even sang his ABC's and told Nonnie Happy Birthday (at least someone else can back me up on his new development.) Kevin is out of town but will be home Thursday. He'll be home before Baker goes to sleep. I'm sure a hero's welcome awaits!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Toddler Room

Baker moved from the "baby room" to the "toddler room" at school today. Contrary to my typical behavior, I did not take a photo to document the momentous occasion. Baker had a great day at school and was completely unfazed when I left him this morning and when I returned to pick him up this afternoon. Kevin tells me that is a good thing.
Baker also had another “first” today – his first TIME OUT. I had to press him down in order to get him to sit still while I counted to 10. I’m not sure if he learned anything but his lip was quivering when he stood up and he gave me a big hug which completely melted my heart (imagine that.) He then tried to tickle and tackle me at the same time – which quickly brought me back to reality...

Monday, August 20, 2007

Wilson Park and Mt. View

Baker and I took advantage of cooler weather and went to Wilson Park today. He was very happy to run and play outside. I'd hoped he wouldn't get too dirty, but of course, Baker had other ideas. After playing on the equipment for kids his age, he bolted for the sand pit and swings then went down the "big" slide head first and landed in a puddle. He was a trooper about the somersault. Completely unfazed, he popped up and kept running.

We went to visit Granny, Mama and Papa this past weekend. Baker and Daddy played lots of duets for Mama!

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Sunday, August 19, 2007


Baker enjoyed a play date with friends, Georgianna and Drew, on Friday. Drew is Emily's precious nephew and G is Juliette's little girl. They all played really well together and loved "hiding" under the bed...

Baker still likes playing in the cabinets. Not sure how much longer the drawers will be able to hold him (he's 29 pounds and counting...)

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Sunday, August 12, 2007

Big Cedar - day three

We spent our last day floating the lazy river and chasing Baker around the baby pool. We had a great vacation, but as always, it's nice to be home again. Kylee starts school this week. I hope 7th grade is ready for her!!
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Big Cedar - day two (one the lake)

We rented a boat on Thursday. The girls had so much fun riding on the tube...and falling off the tube... Baker was great. He loved riding in the boat and watching the girls. He even got to cool off in the lake with daddy.
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Big Cedar - day one

We went to Big Cedar for a little family getaway. The Anderson's were there the first two days. Kylee was happy to have Abby and Ashley to hangout with. The girls rode the shuttle around the property and went to the swimming hole to watch a movie outdoors. Baker loved all the attention from the girls - especially Anna. We had a great two bedroom suite in the lodge - which means that Kylee basically had her own apartment. (1st photo.) We had dinner at Devil's Pool Wednesday night. We were MELTING before the sun (finally) went down...
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At just over 18 months old, Baker had his very first haircut.
It was a big day and all eyes were on him at the salon. He was very brave and sat very still for Miss Lisa (mommy's hairdresser.) He didn't smile until we were in the car on the way home. My friend, Emily came with us and served as our photographer. (She was also very good moral support -- which was needed and appreciated!) It took me a couple of days but I am now happy with the haircut. It surprised me that this would be such a milestone. Our sweet baby is turning into a little boy.

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Wednesday, August 1, 2007

School bites!

You would never know it by looking at these photos, but Baker had a terrible day (Tuesday, July 31.) He was bitten on the cheek by a kid on the playground at Mother's Day Out. The skin was broken and Baker's cheek was puffy and bright red. It looked horrible. I'm writing this blog the day after the trauma and I'm happy to report that his cheek is much better today. The bad news is that Baker now has a virus and had 104 fever today. AGGGH. It is always something! Poor little B has had a tough week... Like I said, you would never know it by the photos.

I am going to cry when we cut his precious hair.
I hope he knows how loved he is.

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Baker loves to sit in Daddy's lap while he eats. They had breakfast together before Daddy left for New York on Tuesday, July 31. Kevin got to see the Yankees play in Yankee stadium. We were making our first trip to NY this time last year. I miss the city!!
Gorgeous daddy and handsome boy (even with a dirty face...)
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