Friday, October 15, 2010


Chicago Marathon 10/10/10.
We saw Kevin at mile 10. He gave Baker a high-five and he looked like he was doing great. He had terrible (and by that I'm guessing excruciating might be a more appropriate word) cramps beginning at mile 17. Of course he kept going. Which means he was miserable the last 9.2 miles. NINE POINT TWO MILES. But he did it. He finished his second marathon.

After it was all said and done Baker spotted Kevin in front of Buckingham Fountain and ran toward him asking, "Daddy did you win the race?!"
You've got to love a groupie!

Oh, and one more thing. Noah was in Chicago for the weekend. Dinner at Blackbird. Lunch at Big Star. Snacks at Pastoral. Plus we stopped in Sepia, Sable, the Gage and the Wit. Too much fun...

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