Thursday, January 28, 2010

Baker's Fourth Birthday (2 of 3)

When we started talking about Baker's birthday party, he immediately said he wanted a "Mars party with a Mars cake." Lots of pondering and discussions led to the creation of a chocolate cake "ball" with red butter cream icing. (The icing was TO DIE FOR.) The thing sticking out of the cake is a space shuttle - a little conceptual but it 'worked' and was super cute. Baker's friends ate chocolate cupcakes with red icing. (Sorry friends but ONE cake ball was enough for me!) I borrowed Kristen's cake plates for the umpteenth time...they made the whole presentation work. As usual.

We held the party at FUMC downtown. It was a great place for the party -- an open gym with balls, plasma cars and a bounce house. Not the best place for cute photo opps but lots of fun for the kids.

Happy birthday to my sweet, sweet boy.

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