Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Moods of B

Surly. (Baker calls this a dinosaur face but I think it looks a little like a chicken.)

Exploratory. (Yes, he is picking his nose with a smile on his face.)

Satisfied. Happy. (Adorable.)
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Father and Son Camping Trip

Kevin took Baker to Natural Falls for Baker's FIRST camping trip. Baker had been begging to go and the experience did not disappoint. He loved the tent and throwing marshmallows in the fire. He even went on a hike and saw two waterfalls. Baker's already talking about going again and he's told me that I can go (not sure if he really means it though) and that he wants to take fishing gear next time. You've got to love a kid with a to-do list.

Below: Baker and waterfalls featured in this photo. Editor's note: This is the filming location for "Where the Red Fern Grows."

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Friday, September 18, 2009

Introducing Luke Thomas Shelhamer

Luke Thomas Shelhamer was born 8:57 a.m. on Thursday, September 17, 2009. He entered this world weighing 6 lbs, 12 ounces; he's 18 inches long. Mom and son are doing great. The daddy is proud of them both.

Below: Luke is wearing a hat knitted by his mommy! How cute is that?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Thing One Thing Two

It is practically impossible to get a good pic of our two gorgeous children...
Below: Kylee looks great; Baker is throwing a walnut.

Below: Kylee is cooperating. Baker is stargazing.

Below: Better...Kylee looks good but I was too close and the walnut is back in the shot?!

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Labor Day in West Plains

We went to West Plains, MO to enjoy the long holiday weekend with Kate and Tim Shelhamer. We had a great weekend. Tim and Kate are expecting their first baby at the end of the month. We can't wait to meet baby Luke!
Tim and I traded emails earlier today. Here is an excerpt from his email:
We had such a good time with you guys. It was a really nice weekend. Can't say that I'm too surprised that Kylee had such a wonderful time. After all, we did go to Sonic happy hour and then take our drinks through the automatic car wash. Guests don't get that kind of VIP treatment everyday.

I love the family resemblance in the photo below...

Below: Brotherly love...

Below: Sisterly tolerance...

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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hey Batter Batter...

We had a ball at Driller stadium last Friday night. This was Baker's first baseball game and one of the last games at Driller stadium. (A new stadium is scheduled to open 2010.) Thanks to Carrie and Rob for sharing awesome tickets! It pays to know the right people y'all.

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Tulsa Zoo (again...)

We recently enjoyed another memorable trip to the Tulsa Zoo.

Below: Baker and James Henry doling out love pats in the petting zoo.
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Farewell Dear Friends...

We went to Fayetteville last week to bid a fond farewell to our friends, the Auredens. They moved to Arkansas six years ago when David went to work for Saatchi. His office was next door to Kevin's. Deirdre and I were pregnant at the same time, we went to "poker" and playgroups together and enjoyed several Thanksgivings together. Lots of happy memories... We wish them the best in Skaneateles!
Editor's note: WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY FORMAT?! Come on Blogger! Fix it already.
Below: Kevin and David enjoying one last cigar on Ila St.

Below: Kebra, Deirdre and Sophia

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