Sunday, June 28, 2009

Big Boy

I took this picture about two minutes before Baker fell in the potty (literally) which led to a quick dash upstairs and straight into the bathtub. He looked terribly cute (and painfully grownup) right before the big splash.
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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Marco Polo

I think we've spent the majority of June in the George's swimming pool. Annabel (the mermaid) refers to JH and Baker as "mermen" -- see for yourself below...

Next time I'll get footage of Baker doing a back flip. I was too nervous to film it this time. Baker is fearless?!

Annabel has her first loose tooth...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Camping Trip

Highlights from the second annual float trip on the Buffalo River. We didn't send the girls by themselves...Kevin, the camp photographer, was there I promise.

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I love natural expressions in photos. This one is a keeper.
Sidebar: it was taken with my IPhone.
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I bought this antique chandelier in's undergoing a face lift. Consider this the "before" photo.
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For details on our weekend in Paris click here. Emily captured the details perfectly!

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I can't believe it's been almost a month since my last post. Faithful readers, I have many good reasons for abandoning you!
1.) I have a new IPhone (loooove it.)
2.) FaceBook (waste of time but entertaining...)
3.) I got a new computer which means I've spent untold hours transferring files, deleting files, organizing files, updating Quicken, blah blah blah. I just downloaded Picasa today if that tells you how behind I am...
4.) I've been working more. New client is in Fayetteville -- IT company called Rock Solid Solutions.
5.) I've been working on my house (more on that later)

Now for some random photos that I've taken (sparingly!) during the last few weeks.
Scratch that!?! I can't find the stupid files. Curses. More organizing is needed. More curses.