Thursday, May 28, 2009


My life according to Baker, age 3 (as told to mommy during an informal, yet informative, interview.)

What animal would you like to be? A shark in the water. I can bite people.
How old is mommy? 4
How old is daddy? 50
If you could pick a new name for yourself what would it be? Tray-kor
What was the coolest thing you ever saw? A sea turtle in a book

If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go? School
What is your favorite musical instrument? Trombone
Where would you like to go on vacation? Colorado
What is your favorite book? Sea turtle one…
Where does Santa Claus live? In Santa day
Who is smarter, Mom or Dad? Daddy
What do you want to be when you grow up? A bat
What is pizza made of? A circle
If you made a movie what would it be about? Cars
What does Dad do at work? I don’t know
Who do you want to be like? Mommy
What are spices? I don’t know
Who loves you the most? Why? Mommy, because I like you.
If you could learn to cook something what would it be? Tomatoes
What’s inside your body? Food
Do you like to take naps? Yes. Little naps.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

We celebrated Memorial Day with the Georges and the Lopps. Five rowdy kids ran around, rode bikes, played tag and ate ice was a perfect afternoon.

How great is this photo of Matthew??

Andrew and Baker are going to be in the same class next year...

Blog regulars, Annabel and James Henry enjoying the bubbles.

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Happy Birthday to Me...

We celebrated my 38th birthday the ENTIRE weekend. If you don't believe me just ask Kevin. He and Kylee made my delicious birthday cake. You can see the cake plus Kylee, her precious friend, Abby and Baker pictured below. It was a very special weekend...

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End of Year Program

There is nothing, and I mean nothing cuter than a kid's program and/or talent show. To mark the end of the year, Baker's school presented a program highlighting the four seasons. Representing winter, Baker's class sang songs about snowflakes, snowmen, etc. Here's the part of the story where I turn into a completely obnoxious mom and tell you that Baker stole the show. I don't care if you believe me. I was there. And he killed. Plus, I have proof! See below...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Baker Loves Aunt Shona

My sister was in a car accident last night. She's a little bruised and battered but seemingly on the mend. Baker wanted to send her a message on the blog and now we're working on a very unique (and decorative) card. He took over creative control on the design so all bets are off.
Sending lots of love to Aunt Shona...feel better soon! XOXOXO

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Two of a Kind

James Henry and Baker are a perfect pair. They love to push, shove, dig in the dirt, play in the sprinkler and splash in the fountain. Tadpoles beware: the boys will kill you with kindness. Pictured below, they are scooping the unassuming tadpoles.

More scooping...

And still more scooping.

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Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

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Puppy Love

Baker loves to kill the dogs with kindness.
We took this picture this morning. I believe his exact words were, "Mommy take my picture with King. Let me see it. Take another. Let me see it. Take another..." I spared you the photos he took of me. Olive and me. Me waving. Me and Olive waving. Etc.
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5th Annual Tulsa ArtCar Weekend & Parade

We attended the opening night of the "Wild Wheels" photography exhibit last night. As part of the exhibit there were two ArtCars parked in front of the gallery. We're going back next Thursday when there will be 20+ ArtCars on display. Baker is going to flip out! With enough hot glue, I think I could cover the Land Rover with Matchbox cars in time for the show.
Check out the Living Arts website for ArtCar details:

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Kylee couldn't resist Snuggie's persuasive marketing campaign. Baker couldn't resist being wrapped up (burrito style) by his favorite person in the world.

Thumbs up for the monk-like appeal of the Snuggie!

Baker is very influenced by Journey's hit song, "Open Arms."

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Saturday, May 2, 2009

Party City

Kylee and I had some fun at Party City recently...
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Onion Breath

Kylee took these pictures of Baker this weekend. Baker is a notoriously picky eater and for no particular reason he decided to eat a raw green onion. Every day in every way, Baker is a complete mystery to me.

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Woodward Park

Woodward Park is one of the best places in Tulsa. It is close to our house, the landscaping is fantastic and they have lots and lots of turtles. Baker loves to feed the fish and the turtles. We discovered this week that they really like hamburger buns and vanilla wafers. Who knew?

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Sunday Morning

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Fun Day at the Park

Baker and I love to go to our neighborhood park to play and ride bikes. On a terrible rainy day like today it's hard to believe we'll ever leave the house again!

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