Thursday, February 26, 2009

Florence Park

I took these photos today and they make me realize how grownup Baker is beginning to look. He reminds me of my nephew in the second photo... James Henry is in the third photo. He and Baker have been having lots of fun together lately. They both like to run, jump, roll cars/trains and play with sticks. They still find lots of opportunities to hit each other but I think it's getting better. Or maybe I'm getting better at not freaking out.'s progress and I'll take it.

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Friday, February 20, 2009

Bob the Builder

Baker and Max went to a live "Bob the Builder" show today. The boys had a great time. Liz and I enjoyed patting ourselves on the back for being such patient, doting moms.

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Growing Food

For those that have marveled at Baker's crazy* diet, it is with great pride and enthusiasm that I announce a new development: Baker has eaten CARROTS -- wait for it -- two days in a row. This feels like a major milestone. God bless the good people at Hidden Valley Ranch.
A few words about Baker's "crazy" diet: Baker loves hummus, salmon, cheese, milk, pickles and eggs. He also likes pizza, tacos, chicken nuggets. He hates candy - all candy. He refused to eat his birthday cake. He won't drink Coke or Sprite. The only fruit he eats is applesauce. To date, the only vegetable he will eat is broccoli and that is only on very rare occasions. The carrot thing is BIG at our house.
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Born to Ride

Baker still loves riding his bike in the house. I love that he's wearing tube socks, a pullup and a white T-shirt.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Fun Day with Friends

Juliette and Georgianna spent the day with us today. Baker and I had so much fun! When they arrived, Baker greeted Georgianna with a big hug wearing nothing but a T-shirt and a smile...
After we wrangled Baker into some clothes, we had lunch at Queenie's then we went to Kaleidoscope, a new interactive museum for kids. We stopped by Merritt's Bakery on our way home. The pic below shows the kids chowing down on their dinner-plate-sized cookies.
It's 5:15 p.m. and Baker is asleep on the more reason we love Georgianna and Juju.

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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Weekend

We had a house full of company for Valentine's Day weekend. Our friend Clay Crymes was in town on Friday. Kevin's mom (Granny) was in town all weekend and Kylee came over on Saturday. Check out the gorgeous homemade cake that Kylee made!

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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Don't Burst My Bubble...

Baker is celebrating Valentine's Day at school today. I'm feeling pretty good about his non-traditional Valentines. I spent $6 on the whole project.
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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Boys in the Backyard

Sunday was gorgeous so we grilled chicken (yea for the Hasty Bake!) and stayed outside as long as possible. If you're wondering about the heap of stuff in the background, we're trimming trees. AND we gutted the quarters. Projects never cease....
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Potty Training

We are potty training. It is exhausting to talk about pee and poop day in and day out. If you have words of wisdom I'd love to hear them. If you tell me you potty trained your kid in a day or two I'm taking you off my Christmas card list permanently.
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Another Trim

No time to blog... too busy scheduling hair appointments.

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