Friday, November 28, 2008


Emily joined us for lunch and Kevin grilled/smoked a delicious turkey. We loved celebrating the holiday in our new house. We have so much to be thankful for this year...(including a new camera!! YEA!!)

We went to Utica Square to watch the lighting of the square.

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

RIP Cannon SD600

I'm blogging to say, "I won't be blogging for a while." Baker killed our camera. Before the final blow, he managed to take a few impressive shots of his thumb. Ten, actually. All exhibit the same attention to detail - the same high-quality work. He's got an eye.

Below: Baker calls this one, "My thumb."
Below: Baker calls this one, "My thumb with spooky lighting."

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Route 66

Kevin had his own cheering section during the Route 66 marathon. I missed the opportunity to snap a picture of Kevin - I was too busy trying to show Baker where daddy was. He ran the half marathon and finished strong. Go Daddy Go...
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Monday, November 3, 2008


For once I'm not posting a picture of a cute kid but rather, our next president.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Arkansas 30 - Tulsa 23

We had a great time at the game with Charlie and Amy. (We miss ya'll. Come see us soon!)

No caption needed for this one...

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Breaker Breaker One Nine

Kylee dressed as a "trucker" for Halloween. We'll see if she wants to trade in her I-phone for a CB this Christmas.