Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Work in Progress

This is the current condition of our powder room. When we moved in I knew we would eventually remove the wallpaper (duh?!) but this project, like so many others, was on a very long to-do list. While cleaning the floor last week one of the tiles came loose and I noticed the fantastic original tile underneath. I couldn't resist, so I ripped up another tile then another...and so on. And now my bathroom looks like this. At first glance, I know this seems like a small "home improvement" project. But it is ridiculously difficult and time consuming to remove the glue underneath each tile. Did I mention that it is time consuming? And awful? I've set a "tile removal deadline" of Oct. 24. (This also happens to be Kevin's birthday. Perhaps I can make a cake in the shape of a toilet? How festive!) I'll tackle the walls next. Then the fixtures. To be continued...

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