Monday, May 26, 2008

HB to Me

Baker was mesmerized by the flaming birthday petit-fours! They were DELICIOUS...Kevin bought four dozen just to make sure we had enough. He's always sweet to make a fuss on my birthday.

Photo of Baker and Kylee on my new porch swing...I've wanted one since we moved in so I am THRILLED. We have the perfect porch for a swing. Kylee is holding her painting that she made this weekend at our house. Baker is completely enamoured with his big sister...

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Zoo with Friends

We went to the zoo with friends from Fayetteville on Friday to celebrate celebrated Anna Claire's third birthday! We had a great day...
Sarah and Renee

Angela and Anna Claire (the BIRTHDAY GIRL!!)

Baker wearing a shark mask...

Trio of CUTE kids!
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Thursday, May 22, 2008


This is a glimpse at what our summer will be like.
After Baker made me watch this video clip about 20 times I was still wondering what he said. So I had a brainstorm and asked him just now. He told me "I wanna get a towel!" That settles that. I'm living with a very bossy interpreter.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Father/Daughter Camping Trip

Check back for Kylee's commentary about the camping trip...

Friday, May 16, 2008


Baker got a splint on his arm on Tuesday. His arm seems to be healing - although we're not entirely sure how he sprained his wrist to begin with. Gymnastics...playing at the park...rough housing... All I know is that he plopped down (while I was holding his hand) and I tried to help him up (with the same hand) and he started crying...several hours passed and he was still in lots of pain so we went to the med center for X-rays, etc. Nothing conclusive - other than a bad sprain. We topped off the day with a trip to McDonald's for Baker's first Happy Meal.
Baker is playing in the living room as I type this and I just heard him fall down and say, "got to be careful, Baker!" My thoughts exactly!

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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Baker's Mess

This is what happens when a two year old finds baby powder. I was in the kitchen during "powder mania" and should have been tipped off by the quiet (i.e. lack of banging and jumping around)...or the smell!!? But alas, I was making a dessert tray for "teacher appreciation day" and enjoying five minutes of peace - or so I thought.

The fog (literally!!) is beginning to clear in the photo below. Baker was thrilled to help vacuum and by that I mean bang the hose attachments on everything.

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Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Baker's hands tell the story of our time outside today. Lots of digging - sans implements.
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Play Date

Baker and Will had a play date on Monday. Baker was a little unsure about his popsicle at first but quickly figured out that he had really been missing out on something wonderful. (His shirt will never be this white again...)

Will's little brother Henry. Precious!

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Sunday, May 4, 2008


We went to Asbury UMC tonight for Kylee's confirmation ceremony. (She's the one in the middle wearing the adorable green dress!) We're always so proud of her. And we were so glad to be able to go's one of the perks of living in Tulsa again.

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Dear Santa

Dear Santa,
It's never too early to shop for children who are especially charming and well mannered.
As such, please note that I would LOVE (really, really LOVE) an Automolox for Christmas.
While researching these cool cars, I have found that the rich purple roof and soft rubber tires appropriately dress the Automoblox King of the Road. With an increased ride height and extra-large rims, this ride rolls with the big boys. I'm not kidding around here. Increased storage capacity in the rear block allows this ultimate lifestyle vehicle to be equally big on adventure and style.
Thank you for your consideration,
Baker Samuel

Favorite Things

Three of Baker's favorite things: playing in our bed, being naked and setting up car shows (with 50+ Matchbox cars).

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