Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Day

We drove to Paris on Christmas day. We opened more gifts and had so much fun with Nonnie, P, Cody, Emily and Aunt Shona. Cody and and Emily are expecting a baby in a couple of weeks and Baker is VERY interested in Emily's stomach. So much so, that he said to Emily, "You just keep growing and growing!" He then bent down and tried to look up her shirt...
Below: Baker (sippy cup in hand) is very proud of the painting that he made especially for Shona. (He had to stop to rehydrate during the present opening extravaganza!)

Below: Baker helped everyone open gifts. He loved all the presents in blue paper and always asked the same thing before tearing into the paper; "Do you think there's a toy in there?"

Below: Baker opening one of his favorite gifts -- Handy Manny's workbench. Those Disney marketing people know what they are doing...

Below: My dad made Baker these profile wooden cars -- a truck, a bus and a car. Aren't they adorable?!! We love them and especially LOVE that P made them just for Baker.

I guess that wraps up Christmas blogging. I hope your holidays were merry and bright.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night...
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Christmas Morning

Baker woke up at 6:15 a.m. and met me at his door. He said that he didn't think that Santa came because he didn't have presents under the tree in his room. Luckily Daddy was already downstairs and told us that he found some things under the big Christmas tree. We quickly changed Baker out of his wet Christmas pajamas (sorry that I don't have a cute pic of him in his Christmas footies...) and headed downstairs to explore...

Santa brought Baker a very cool cash register - with a scanner and a built-in microphone. He immediately pressed the "mic" button and said, "I want some juice!" Below: Baker is holding up his polar bear. He told Santa that he wanted animals and Santa delivered!

Below: Baker checked the engine before we went outside for a test drive.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve lunch...then presents. Church...then presents. Letter for Santa...then much needed sleep.

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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Dec. 23

Busy day today. Kylee watched Baker while I ran a few errands. Mayhem ensued! Not really...she did a great job. She built a very impressive fort. Baker called it a FORK. It rocked.
Below: Baker wearing Kylee's glasses...that girl is BLIND.

Below: Crazy art photo of Baker in the glasses. He has to be dizzy at this point...

Below: Photo of the awesome fort/fork that took over the dining room.

Below: Cookies for Santa. We may have sampled a few too many.

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Thursday, December 18, 2008


Baker wasn't sold on the idea of visiting Santa at Utica Square today. He stood around and chased birds for a little while...

He inched his way up to the door and peaked in a few times...

Almost there! He watched a few kids sit on Santa's lap...and get sugar cookies...


...and 30 minutes later, we got this picture. Success! He told Santa that he would like some animals for Christmas. On our way to the car I discovered that he was very disappointed - mostly because he thought he would get the animals right away. And he also mentioned that he really didn't like Santa's house "because it was too small!" Sheesh! Bah Humbug.

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Christmas Program

Baker sang three songs at his Christmas program today. No signs of stage fright...
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How cute are these personalized melamine plates? Baker wanted to tell Cici "thank you" and that he really loves his monkey plate. That goes double for me!

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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Party Pics

We survived the BlueView Christmas party!
I've included lots of photos...hope you've had fun decking your halls for the holidays. I've enjoyed every minute.
Below: closeup of planters by the front door.

Below: Tree in the foyer.

Below: Band in the living room

Below: Mantle in the living room Below: Bar in the office
Below: Desserts

Below: Buffet...I swear this looked 10 times better in person.

Below: Last photo of the night -- two very tired hosts.

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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

One Year Anniversary

I can hardly believe we moved to Tulsa one year ago. Our official anniversary is Dec. 13 but we're hosting Kevin's office party on Friday and I know I'll be a little distracted with party planning, cleaning, etc. I couldn't let the anniversary pass without acknowledging the milestone. What a difference a year makes...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas is Coming!

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Baker's First 5K

"Thanks for Giving" 5K and Fun Run. Our good friend Fred organized the race and screenprinted a shirt especially for Baker. Baker looooved wearing a shirt just like his daddy.

Below: Daddy and Baker running strong

Below: Baker liked giving the stink eye to his competitors...

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